(306) 244-4550

Lawn Grass Seed

Did you know the higher the rate of Kentucky Bluegrass in your grass seed, the more water it will require to grow?
Kentucky Bluegrass is that lush, over desired green grass and in order to grow and maintain it, it requires daily waterings (i.e. underground irrigation).
Instagreen Blend is more designed for those who don’t have irrigation installed.
We also carry a Acreage blend designed for our fellow acreage/farm users who have a large area to cover. The best part, it is drought tolerant grass seed!


  • Deluxe Blend – 5kg:  70% Kentucky Bluegrass, 20% Creeping Red Fescue and 10% Perennial Rye Grass
  • Instagreen Blend – 5kg:  40% Kentucky Bluegrass, 40% Creeping Red Fescue and 20% Annual Ryegrass
  • Acreage Dyland – 25kg:  30% Hard Fescue, 30% Ninja Tall Fescue, 30% Creeping Red Fescue and 10% Annual Ryegrass

Our lawn grass seed is 100% grass seed, there are no other fillers or additives in the bag.  We have 3 different types of grass seed; deluxe blend, instagreen blend and acreage dryland blend.

  • Deluxe Blend - 5kg:  70% Kentucky Bluegrass, 20% Creeping Red Fescue and 10% Perennial Rye Grass
  • Instagreen Blend - 5kg:  40% Kentucky Bluegrass, 40% Creeping Red Fescue and 20% Annual Ryegrass
  • Acreage Dyland - 25kg:  30% Hard Fescue, 30% Ninja Tall Fescue, 30% Creeping Red Fescue and 10% Annual Ryegrass